Milli Mylk
Milli Mylk is an NYC based startup that aims to bring convenience to making organic, plant-based milk at home.
Over the course of a year, I worked closely with the Milli cofounders to conduct design research with potential users as well as a deep dive into making plant based milk at home. This informed a guiding human centered design strategy that served as a North Star for the experience design. This work included appliance architectures, user experience design of the system, industrial design, early brand application to ID, packaging studies, and the initial engineering/food science prototypes.
Following the initial strategy and design phase, I developed several engineering prototype appliances to help us evaluate and inform the product architecture. The result was a bottle that fit in the fridge and in the hand, allowed users to mix the milk in a portion that matched their consumption, and could go straight to production. Milli launched in 2022.
Design Development
Food science and taste played a major role in the development of this appliance. I worked with Milli during a dedicated engineering and food science phase to produce plant-based milks using a range of methods and prototypes. This work included evaluation of grind size and extraction techniques as well as detailed mechanical and electrical details to create the appliance prototype.